
Finalising and Gold Service.

It's been long time... I do feel so guilty left blog behind so long. Whatever I say is same as excuse myself so I won't say anything. I just keep blogging steadily.

Well, I went to a few customers homes.
I worked on Trek Madone to finalise his set up. Previously when I visited him, only stem was missing and couldn't complete my work.

After that I went to E/Perth and met lovely French cyclist aslo known to exllent personal trainer. Nice hydro disc brakes MTB needs some love. I took her back to my workshop and striped all the component off and took care with Gold service. Drivetain was removed and dumped in the parts washer brushed off dusts, sands, old grease which fused into dust or rubbish and etc... Both of derailleurs were overhauled, removed old grease completely then reassembled.
Both of wheels had some issues. I thought R/wheel was only buckled but there was a snapped spoke as well. I never thought I have the one but, I had in correct lenghth. Even in such a small workshop... I felf proud(ha ha). F/hub bearing unit was very stiff and rumbly. I disassembled unit and observed. There was minor erosion but we managed to avoid replacing whole hub by early discovery.
This bike has come off once in the past so used alignment tool to straighten gear hanger to shift perfectly. It was only 1cm bent but that becomes fatal shifting issue.
Took her out for test ride. Now she is as new as shiny and ready for owner.

Unfortunately no photos today, my camera was very against with me

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