
Bike fiitting

Today, I went to clients home and did bike fitting. Good thing with our bike fitting, we don't need to use special equipment. Measuring body and calculated figure is mathmatical proof and of course it will fit on your body. But, our bike fitting observes further that. We look at flexibility of your body, habits, riding style and purpose. I would like to keep their habits (such as pedaling, etc...) but some of the things I keep in priority are optimize effective pedaling and keep comfort able position. Today I had to change seat height, setting seat forward, handlebar height and cleats position Also narrower handlebars are required.

I took bike back to workshop and did also service. when I was inpsecting bike I found one of the bolt was loosened and came out nearly everything. As you can see below the arrows on the photo how much it was coming out. It must be not checked looong time.
This wheel was only 7months old and already rusted. I felt rumbling when I was inspecting. Unfortunately once its rust we can't make it better. It is properbly low quality of bearinig.

1 comment:

Geraldo Maia said...

Hello Yas,
It is a great pleasure to visit your nice and interesting blog for the first time.
Best wishes from Brazil: